Mental health issues have reached epidemic proportions in this technology-driven world. My goal is to empower you to move forward on your life path and know that you are not alone. Everyone struggles and feels lost sometimes. There is so much unrest in the world on many levels. You may have a lot of family members and close friends, yet still feel alone and isolated.
Many depressed people try to show others that they are happy on the surface, but on the inside they are miserable and withdrawing from everyone and everything. They have lost their way. That is where I can help you. We are all unique, but sometimes we don't show who we truly are, for fear of rejection, so we pretend to be a character portraying our authentic self. Too often we do that for so long that we lose sight of who we truly are at our spiritual core. While you may think that you are really trying to cope with things, in reality you are just becoming even more disconnected.
Going to a conventional therapist is frowned upon by more and more people in search of guidance and direction, as they are usually coerced into taking medication from the very first session and often feel trapped inside themselves. They are unable to speak out and express on a deep emotional level how they are feeling and what they would like to be able to do to break free from their emotional and mental imprisonment. My approach is completely holistic and focuses on healing from within.
If you are feeling lost and uncertain, you are not alone. Let me help you to find inner peace and teach you how to live in the present and be happy. If you live too much in the past, you carry bitterness and guilt. If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present. You can train your mind to live in the moment and we are here to teach you how to do that.
As an intuitive consultant, I can ascertain a person's feelings and perspective, then use that perception to guide their actions and inspire lasting changes in their life path. Through personalized guidance and insightful discussions that are designed to focus on your specific circumstances, I will help you to find yourself again, so that you can feel more comfortable and confident being your true and authentic self, regardless of whatever is going on around you.
To request a private counseling session, email me at believehopetrust@yahoo.com with the words "Counseling Session" in the body of the message.
I will email a small form for you to fill out and send back. When I receive it, I will send payment details for my PayPal and Cash App links. You can pick either one to pay for your session.
Hello. I created this website to help people who are in need of some guidance, but have no interest in going to a traditional therapist or counselor and feel like they are constantly being analyzed. I am an intuitive spiritual consultant who has been conducting counseling sessions for nearly 40 years. My core focus is to heal body, mind, and soul and bring to the surface unresolved issues and emotions, so that I can address and release your attachment to them. My approach to mental and emotional well-being is to .. Believe - Hope - Trust.